Our EARTHwise Value Currencies™  are the Wisdom Qualities of Life that we generate from within and give to co-create VALUE EXPERIENCES and THE WISDOM ECONOMY. Through our Value Currency transactions we inform, influence, and infuse our relationships, community, and world with the possibilities from OUR FUTURE. CLICK HERE to learn more about our Value Currencies™ Programs
Each of our 7 Value Currencies have been carefully selected to bring OUR FUTURE into being and manifest the ESSENCE of EARTHwise from our WHOLENESS CODE.


Our Journey begins from our Point of Origin. Each of us is a point of Origin for Our Future to come into being. We are all original WHOLE beings.

We bring our originality in all we create, do, and share. We give originality to our creative process, and we honor each person's unique point of origin and their originality in Life, and as Life. 


Through our Originality we receive the Wisdom and guidance of Life ~ this becomes our Inspiration. Through Inspired Creation we inform, influence, and infuse our Relationships, Communities, and World of the possibilities for our greatest becoming. 

We receive the Inspiration from OUR FUTURE, the Field of Possibility. We give inspiration as a currency to invest in our greatest possibility. 


We trust in Life and our greater goodness. We are grateful for the trust given to us as Life and for bringing OUR FUTURE into being.

We invest our trust in the Essential Qualities of Life born from the Power of Love. We grow our trust in the Heart of Our Humanity by BEING the change we wish to see in Our World. We trust in Our Journey Together


We trust in the Power of Love. This is the only Power by which Our Future can be born and made manifest from Wholeness and Unity. We acknowledge that we each are LOVE. 

We generate Love by being who we truly are and by honouring our unique Point of Origin for bringing Life forth through Inspired Creation and Trust. We invest in our World by the Power of Love. 


Love is Commitment, showing up to what is necessary even during the greatest challenges. We grow the strength and depth of our commitment through a process of self-inquiry, honesty, evaluation, and mastery. 

We give commitment to all the necessary stages of Our Journey Together. Our Commitment is to the full actualization of our inner genius and greatest evolutionary possibilities. We invest our currency of commitment to co-create a Thrivable World where all can flourish. 


We are committed to embody receptive creativity. We acknowledge that Love and Wisdom are already given, and only become visible when we receive our selves from OUR FUTURE ~ the Field of Possibility. 

We practice receptivity in our listening and learning. Our receptivity is our openness to new possibilities and the honouring  of meaningful feedback. We give receptivity to strengthen our capacity to receive from our greater Self and to honour Life's prosperity and plentitude. 


We are committed to generate, give and receive excellence with Wisdom as Our Foundation. We trust in the excellence of Life and the actualizing process for bringing this forth. 

We invest our Excellence Currency to help raise the Standards of our World and co-create a Wisdom Economy that is Life-centric and regenerative. 


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